Studies on neuro- and hepatotoxicity in three dimensions – cell culture scaffold with integrated electrodes.

Polish title: Badania nad neuro- i hepatotoksycznością w trzech wymiarach – podłoże do hodowli komórkowych ze zintegrowanym systemem do pomiarów elektrochemicznych.

Funding source: Polish National Science Centre (NCN)

Project number: 2017/01/X/ST4/00463

PI: Emilia Witkowska Nery

Total funding: 49 555.00 PLN

Short description:

Project envisages the development of a bio-analytical platform for the multi-site electrochemical monitoring of species such as oxygen and glucose in a 3D cell culture system. 3D cell cultures are postulated to become a bridge between 2D in vitro models and experiments on animals. They provide more natural environment for the cells, with elaborate stimulation patterns as well as chemical gradients and therefore are better suited for mimicking live systems than planar cultures. Despite the growing popularity of 3D cultures, to our knowledge no analytical platform was realized that would allow robust electrochemical analysis in various points of such systems. Optical imaging techniques are traditionally used, with obvious difficulties encountered in case of the analysis of the inside of such structures. We propose a novel system where electrodes will be integrated at various points of the scaffold, providing a biocompatible measuring system, which would allow measurements also during the culture growth. As the cells will be already grown on the electrode array, they will not suffer any additional stress related to electrode placing. Proposed applications include hepato- and neurotoxicity studies.

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