
71 posts

Interactions of bacteriophage T4 adhesin with selected lipopolysaccharides studied using atomic force microscopy

A paper was recently published in Scientific Reports about atomic force microscopy, investigating interactions between bacteriophages and bacteria. Or, at least, as the title says, between T4 adhesin with lipopolysaccharides from bacteria. This was done by modifying an AFM tip with the adhesin from the bacteriophage T4 and using this tip to […]

Poland-China Symposium

Last week Martin took part in the 1st Poland-China Bilateral Scientific Symposium on Emerging Technologies in Photonics and Electronics organised in Shenzhen, China by Prof. Mateusz Smietana from Warsaw University of Technology and Prof. Liyang Shao from Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). The goal of the meeting was […]

Paper-based system for ion transfer across the liquid-liquid interface

In a paper just accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry Marta, Emilia, and Martin, together with Damien Arrigan from Curtin University, and our former intern Alexandra Pacowska, show how ion-transfer across the liquid-liquid interface can be studied in a paper-based system. One of the problems when studying ion-transfer between an organic […]

Hopping mode SECM imaging of redox activity in ionic liquid with glass-coated inlaid platinum nanoelectrodes prepared using a heating coil puller

Martin had a small part in a recent paper accepted in the special issue of J. Electroanal. Chem. dedicated to Prof. Renata Bilewicz on her 65th birthday. The paper has a very descriptive title: Hopping mode SECM imaging of redox activity in ionic liquid with glass-coated inlaid platinum nanoelectrodes prepared using […]