We are looking for two talented candidates for PhD student positions in our new project “Moving interfaces: Transfer of ions and molecules between phases in hydrodynamic systems.” (More info about that project here.)
Position starts on: November 2016, early admittance up to 3 months is possible
Funding: 3000 PLN (net/stipend) + ¼ of a position at IPC PAS ~500 PLN*
Duration: 44 months (for the stipend – the PhD position up to four years)
Deadline for application: June 10, 2016, 12:00.
The main scientific goal of the proposed project is to understand, describe and develop the processes of transfer of ions and molecules across liquid-liquid interfaces in novel, multiphase microfluidic systems. Understanding of this processes is a starting point for better comprehension of biological actions (photosynthesis, cell membrane transport), development of lab-on-a-chip type platforms for new medical diagnostics tools, in pharmacy for drugs synthesis, and in industry for real-time monitoring of technological processes.
One of the fundamental questions that we will address is to what extent the electrochemically driven ion transfer across liquid-liquid interfaces in microfluidic systems is influenced by the hydrodynamic flows in the different phases, including in systems in which droplet motion is controlled by means of electrowetting on dielectrics (EWOD, also known as digital microfluidics).

The two PhD projects will both concern ion-transfer across liquid-liquid interfaces. One of the projects will be mainly focussed on studies in traditional microfluidic systems. The other project will study ion-transfer in EWOD systems.
The successful candidate should have:
- Master of science (or equivalent) exam in chemistry, physics or a related topic,
- a strong motivation for experimental work,
- ability to work both individually and as part of a group,
- good knowledge of English,
- optionally, knowledge about electrochemistry, microfluidics, EWOD or computer simulations using Comsol is advantageous.
A CV, motivation letter, a reference letter and (optionally) a list of scientific achievements (publications, patents, conference presentations, etc.) should be sent to
Martin Jönsson-Niedziółka
Institute of Physical Chemistry, PAS
Kasprzaka 44/52
01-224 Warsaw, Poland
or by e-mail to martinj@ichf.edu.pl
If you are invited to the interview, the applicant must separately apply for the International Doctoral Studies (IDS) of IPC PAS with admissions interview on June 27, 2016. See http://ichf.edu.pl/msd/indexen.html for more information. There are a truckload of papers that need to be submitted for the IDS-programme, so make sure you include all of it! (pdf-list) The papers mentioned under pt. 5 and 7 can be filled in by the successful candidate after the interview.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Martin to know more or any of the students about how it is to work in our group.
* Regarding the payment: The salary is low compared to Western Europe standards, but about the average salary for Warsaw after tax. The institute can offer rooms in its student dormitory for those who need housing.