Professor dr hab.
Email: martinj@ichf.edu.pl (public PGP key)
Tel: +48 22 343 3306
Office number: 35, building 3
Personal webpage: www.jonsson-niedziolka.pl
Twitter handle: @DrMartinJN
See also profiles on ResearchGate, ResearcherID, ORCID, Scopus, Google scholar.
Posts tagged with Jonsson-Niedziolka
Research interests: As the name of the group suggests my research is in electrochemistry in hydrodynamically driven systems and using these systems to study ion transfer between immiscible liquids, enzyme reactions but also for fundamental studies of the systems themselves. This includes microfluidic systems, the rotating drop system for electrochemistry in small volumes and EWOD induced motion.
Ion-transfer studies has gradually become a larger part of my interests as we developed new paper-based systems for performing such measurements.
Background: I’ve come to electrochemistry through a quite winding path. I studied physics at Göteborg University and continued to become a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Eleanor E.B. Campbell. My first project was to study endohedral fullerenes using mass spectrometry and other methods. This resulted in a Swedish licentiatsexamen, which kind of a “half PhD”? The thesis can be found here. After that I was transferred to a project on carbon nanotube synthesis using plasma enhanced CVD. I set up a system for characterising the plasma using optical emission spectroscopy and tried to link the plasma properties to the resulting nanotubes. My PhD thesis is here.
The work on CNTs led to a collaboration with Prof. Marcin Opallo’s electrochemisty group at IPC PAS and I was offered a position as a postdoc to use CNTs for electrode modifications, despite the fact the I had no prior knowledge of electrochemistry.
After a stint as postdoc at IEMN in Lille in France, where I studied electrowetting, I returned to IPC PAS for an assistant professor position. After finishing my habilitation I was given the opportunity to lead my own research group when Prof. Opallo’s group was split into three smaller parts.