
149 posts

Dr hab.

Today Martin officially was given the title doktor habilitowany. His thoughts on that can be found on his private webpage, here. The summary of his habilitation, with the title “Enzymatic oxygen reduction on carbon nanotube modified electrodes” can be read here.

Visitor from Poznań

This week Adam Kołodziej from Poznań University of Technology is visiting the group. He will be working together with Dawid and Wojtek. Welcome. Update: I accidentally placed Adam in Wrocław in the first version of this post… Sorry, Polish geography is not my strongest side 🙂

New webpage

Welcome the the all new webpage for the Charge Transfer in Hydrodynamic Systems group from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, PAS. Eventually this will be the place to find information about the group, open positions, addresses etc. For now it is very much under construction.