Practical electroanalysis: summer school and e-course

Polish title: Elektroanaliza w praktyce: szkoła letnia i kurs internetowy

Funding source: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)

Project number: PPI/SPI/2020/1/00042/U/00001

PI: Emilia Witkowska Nery (Wojciech Nogala, Aleksandra Kapuścińska-Bernatek)

Total funding: 638 780,18 PLN

Timeframe: 01/05/2021 (actually 01/09/2021) -30/09/2023

The main problem addressed by the project is the lack of didactic materials enabling familiarization with practical aspects of electrochemistry. The project aims to train program participants to work independently in an electrochemical laboratory. The training will be carried out during 3 summer schools, with the total of 75 participants and through an e-learning course on platform.

Educational materials in the form of films and scripts will be prepared and available for both remote learning and for the summer school participants (blended learning). We have planned exercises which include:

  • preparation of electrodes (polishing, cleaning, evaluation)
  • measurements in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions
  • basic electrochemical techniques (CV, DPV, SWV, CA)
  • electrochemistry in flow (demonstration of rotating disk electrode, hands on experience in microfluidics)
  • fabrication and use of microelectrodes
  • biosensors
  • paper-based electrochemistry

The target groups are students of the last years of studies and PhD students.

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