We just published a review-article in ChemElectroChem on paper-based electrochemical devices1. Instead of a classic review of the published literature (of which there are plenty for paper-based devices) we opted to write a more practical guide for what to consider when making your first forays into the jungle of paper-based electrochemistry.

It started some time ago with Emilia getting invited to contribute a manuscript to a Special Issue of ChemElectroChem co-edited by her former PhD supervisor prof. Lauro Kubota. First we thought to submit a research article, but some of the ideas that we had in mind are still in progress and others continued in a direction that are less suitable to ChemElectroChem. Finally, we decided to contribute with a review article about preparation of paper-based electrochemical sensors.
The task was a great opportunity for Ela, Karthika and our master student Wojtek2 to train in writing of their first, personally written publications. Writing wasn’t a trivial task as there are more than 1000 research articles describing electrochemical paper-based sensors, and multiple review articles (~60) about paper-based sensing in general.
All in all it seems that we did a good job, as the manuscript was accepted quite fast and we already received positive feedback. To sum it up a quote from one of the reviewers: “even if there are now many reviews on paper-devices this review is well-written and the graphical abstract is amazing”. (Good job Emilia!)
With this recommendation we invite you to check out our publication and learn some technical aspects of fabrication of paper-based electrochemical devices.
- W. Mazurkiewicz, M. Podrażka, E. Jarosińska, Karthika K. V., M. Wiloch, M. Jönsson-Niedziółka, E. K. Witkowska Nery
Paper‐based electrochemical sensors and how to make them (work), ChemElectroChem, (Accepted). doi: 10.1002/celc.202000512 - Wojtek was selected as first author after a vote about who had contributed the best-written part.