
11 posts

Fabrication of ITO microelectrodes and electrode arrays using low-cost CO2 laser plotter

In a publication recently accepted in Lab on a Chip, we showed a way of creating microelectrodes and arrays of electrodes in ITO using a cheap CO2 laser plotter. Such laser plotters are available in printing shops and similar places or can be bought at relatively low cost to the […]

The Influence of Coordination Mode on the Redox Properties of Copper Complexes with Aβ(3-16) and its Pyroglutamate Counterpart pAβ(3-16)

Over the last year, Magda has been working with bachelor student Natalia to investigate the redox behaviour of different β-amyloids. In her recently published paper she demonstrates a significant difference in the redox behaviour of copper complexes with peptides associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). AD is a neurodegenerative disorder and […]

Paper‐based electrochemical sensors and how to make them (work)

We just published a review-article in ChemElectroChem on paper-based electrochemical devices. Instead of a classic review of the published literature (of which there are plenty for paper-based devices) we opted to write a more practical guide for what to consider when making your first forays into the jungle of paper-based […]

Facilitated cation transfer at a three-phase junction and its applicability for ionophore evaluation

We’re on a roll. Another cation transfer paper was accepted1, also in Electrochimica Acta. This is work done by Marta and our undergrad student Julia. They were investigating transfer of cations at the three-phase junction driven by reduction of the fullerene C60 and facilitated by the addition of ionophores to […]

New IAESTE-student – Sotiria

A warm welcome to our new student, Sotiria Kyriakou, who will work in our lab for three months as an exchange student through the IAESTE programme. Sotiria is a chemical engineer who recently graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). During her studies she specialised in biomedical engineering and was working […]