
4 posts

The spectroelectrochemical behaviour of 1,4‐dimethoxypillar[5]arene (P5A) and its monomer in different organic solvents

Pillararenes were introduced as a novel class of macrocyclig host molecules in 2008 when 1,4-dimethoxypillar[5]arene (P5A) was synthesised. The pillararenes are similar in structure to the better known cyclodextrins or calixarenes and they can also form host-guest complexes with smallish molecules that can fit into their cavities. In a recent […]

Bimetallic nanocatalysts supported on graphitic carbon nitride for sustainable energy development: the shape-structure-activity relation

We are glad to share the first paper related to one of our research projects: “Microfluidic System for Solar Energy Conversion”. In this project, we seek to answer how to use renewable energy sources in the most efficient way to carry out a more eco-friendly chemical reaction? Following the current […]