Monthly archives: July 2022

2 posts

The Influence of Coordination Mode on the Redox Properties of Copper Complexes with Aβ(3-16) and its Pyroglutamate Counterpart pAβ(3-16)

Over the last year, Magda has been working with bachelor student Natalia to investigate the redox behaviour of different β-amyloids. In her recently published paper she demonstrates a significant difference in the redox behaviour of copper complexes with peptides associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). AD is a neurodegenerative disorder and […]

A microfluidic system for analysis of electrochemical processing using a highly sensitive optical fiber microcavity

After months of work on the article, Martin and Andrzej finally got their second paper about electrochemical and optical studies using an optical fiber accepted. The article “A microfluidic system for analysis of electrochemical processing using a highly sensitive optical fiber microcavity” will be published in the journal “Optics and […]