General news

30 posts

Summer School participation

A few weeks ago, Emilia took part in a Summer School on Neurophysiology for Neural and Biomedical Engineering which was held in Zermatt, Switzerland. The summer school was jointly organized by three universities: Brown (USA), EPFL (Switzerland) and ETH (Switzerland). This six-day program had the goal to bring fundamental knowledge […]

Photo of Paulina S. Jeleń

New group member – Paulina

Welcome to the newest member of the group, Paulina Jeleń. Paulina studied nanostructure engineering at University of Warsaw. This is a interdisciplinary field divided between the physics and the chemistry departments. She wrote her master thesis at the chemistry department, but graduated as a physicist. She has joined the group […]

Mentioned in INTREPID newsletter

Alex, who visited us in July, wrote about his visit in the INTREPID Forensics newsletter. He seems to have had a good time here, I just hope he wasn’t too disappointed with the Maria Skłodowska-Curie museum, which is a bit underwhelming. We are looking forwards to Alex’s next visit some […]

New webpage

Welcome the the all new webpage for the Charge Transfer in Hydrodynamic Systems group from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, PAS. Eventually this will be the place to find information about the group, open positions, addresses etc. For now it is very much under construction.