Monthly archives: October 2019

5 posts

Electrochemical reduction of 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane at the n-octyl pyrrolidone/water/electrode three-phase junction

Continuing our investigations of the behaviour of various redox probes at three-phase electrodes we have just published a paper looking at TCNQ (7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) in a standard droplet-based setup. The reason we choose TCNQ is that it’s a quinone related to the ones we studied in our previous publication on transfer […]

New student – Elżbieta Jarosińska

From the beginning of September we have a new PhD student in the group. Elżbieta Jarosińska just started working in Emilia’s LIDER project. Elżbieta graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry at Warsaw University of Technology. Her master’s thesis was about development of a potentiometric biosensor for the analysis of arginase […]