Emilia together with Wojtek Nogala and Aleksandra Kapuścińska-Bernatek after some struggle (the grant was first rejected and later accepted after appeal) got a grant to prepare 3 editions of summer school on practical aspects of electroanalysis
During each edition 20 students from abroad and 5 students from Poland will visit our institute for a week and learn about:
- preparation of electrodes (polishing, cleaning, evaluation)
- measurements in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions
- basic electrochemical techniques (CV, DPV, SWV, CA)
- electrochemistry in flow (demonstration of rotating disk electrode, hands on experience in microfluidics)
- fabrication and use of microelectrodes
- biosensors
- paper-based electrochemistry

Experiments include both demonstrations (SECM, rotating disk) as well as hands on experience in small groups (2-3) and individually. During the week in Warsaw students will have an opportunity to present their scientific interests on a poster session and know each other on less formal ground during a welcoming party, a sightseeing trip and a Polish dinner. The schools are planned to take place in June 2022, September 2022 and June 2023.
For now the plan is that the experiments during the summer school will be led by Emilia, Martin, Wojtek Nogala, Steven Lindfield and Marcin Filipiak but we have more people interested in participation and for sure there will be plenty of work so the list will probably grow.
Apart of the summers schools all the experiments will be also prepared in an e-learning format. The experiments will be recorded and made available on an Navoica.pl together with scripts and in a shorter, more of a teaser format on youtube.com. In this way more people will have the chance to take advantage of our course.
So now Emilia, Wojtek and Ola are diligently studying the dark arts of science popularization, film editing in DaVinci Resolve, trying to enhance their diction and all sorts of stuff. First draft movies were already recorded and are being edited now and they hope to start at full speed with all the new hardware and knowledge in January.
Stay tuned we will surely let you know about the releases as well as about the recruitment for the summer school!