UPDATED: Where were we last year…
Conference season is upon us and some of us (Bren… looking at you) have already had their share of conferencing. Below is a list, that will be updated as we go, on where you can meet us during the year.
When | Where | Who | Title |
7-10 May | ISE 35th Topical Meeting, Gold Coast, Australia | Bren | Interfacial Polymerization via (Electro)-Fenton Process at a Polarized Soft Interface |
18-19 May | X Łódzkie Sympozjum Doktorantów Chemii, Łódź, Poland | Julia | Facilitated Transfer of Anions Between Immiscible Liquids at the Three-Phase Junction |
23 June | Chemsession, Warsaw, Poland | Julia | Zastosowanie organożelu w układzie papierowym do oznaczania substancji perfluoroalkilowych (PFAS) pomiędzy niemieszającymi się roztworami elektrolitów |
Andrzej | Zastosowanie systemów mikroprzepływowych w badaniach elektrochemicznych | ||
Karolina | Ułatwiony transfer anionów pomiędzy niemieszającymi się cieczami w układzie z elektrodą trojfazową | ||
28-31 August | 2nd French-Polish Chemistry Congress, Montpellier, France | Martin | POINT-OF-CARE TESTING FOR C-REACTIVE PROTEIN IN A SEQUENTIAL MICROFLUIDIC DEVICE |
31 August- 1 September | LEPA Meeting (satellite to ISE) | Martin | Sequential Microfluidic Device for Point-of-Care Testing for C-Reactive Protein |
Angelika | Ion-Transfer at nanoITIES – the Role of the Interface Geometry | ||
3-8 September | ISE annual meeting, Lyon, France | Martin | Characterisation of an On-Chip Flow Injection System – Switching Time and the Issue of Adsorption of Ferrocenium on ITO AND Formation of MnO2-based Electrode for Electrochemical Biosensor for Glucose Detection |
Angelika | Investigation of Ion-Transfer at Nanochannel Arrays between two Immiscible Electrolyte Solutions | ||
Meen | Sequential microfluidic device for electrochemical immunoassay of C-reactive protein | ||
Magda | Spectroelectrochemistry and computational study of quinoline based molecules – potential anti Alzheimer’s drugs | ||
Julia | Facilitated Transfer of Anions Between Immiscible Liquids at the Three-Phase Junction Using a Novel Modular Ionophore | ||
8-12 October | 244th ECS Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden | Martin | Spectroelectrochemical and computational study of quinoline based molecules – potential anti-Alzheimer’s drugs |
3-7 November | SMCBS ‘2023, Łochów, Poland | Martin | Sequential Microfluidic Device for Point-of-Care Electrochemical Detection of C Reactive Protein Based on a Novel Peptide |
Julia | Transfer of Sulfate Ions Between Immiscible Liquids at the Three-Phase Junction Using a Novel Compound | ||
Magda | Spectroelectrochemical studies of a potential drug against Alzheimer’s Disease |
Some photos from the various conferences.

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